Episode 7: Emerging Research with Zoë Plakias

Submitted by cochran.442 on
Community leaders have to make difficult decisions about how to spend scarce resources. How do we place a value on community investments that don't necessarily generate income but benefit local citizens? To find out, we spoke with Dr. Zoë Plakias, an agricultural food systems economist and associate professor in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics. She’s applying cost-benefit analysis in a new way for a food system resiliency project headed by Shoshanah Inwood with the School of Environment and Natural Resources and Mary Hendricks at the University of Missouri.
Header Image
farmers market table with cherry tomatoes in yellow and red, for sale sign
Podcast Description

Community leaders have to make difficult decisions about how to spend scarce resources. How do we place a value on community investments that don't necessarily generate income but benefit local citizens? To find out, we spoke with Dr. Zoë Plakias, an agricultural food systems economist and associate professor in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics. She’s applying cost-benefit analysis in a new way for a food system resiliency project headed by Shoshanah Inwood with the School of Environment and Natural Resources and Mary Hendricks at the University of Missouri.
