Here is the latest update from the Zoonotic Disease Program at the Ohio Department of Health:
As we move out of mosquito season and into colder weather, this will be the last Vector-borne disease update of the year. Vector-borne disease information will continue to be updated on our website and more details can be found at: odh.ohio.gov/vectorupdate.
Human Disease Surveillance
As of 10/21/2022, the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) reported 7 human cases of West Nile Virus (WNV). Cases include 4 males and 3 females between the ages of 40 – 81 years (median: 52 years) reported from Cuyahoga (2), Franklin (2), and Montgomery (3) counties with onset of symptoms between 07/16/2022 – 09/16/2022.
ODH also reported 13 cases of La Crosse virus. Cases include 8 males and 5 females between the ages of 4 – 16 years (median: 9 years) reported from Coshocton (2), Franklin (1), Knox (1), Muskingum (3), Perry (1), Richland (1), Ross (1), Stark (1), Tuscarawas (1), and Vinton (1) counties with onset of symptoms between 07/03/2022 – 09/12/2022.
Animal Disease Surveillance
Ohio has reported 2 equine cases of WNV from Franklin (1) and Holmes (1) counties. Symptom onsets range from 09/07/2022-09/13/2022.
Also, one case of Eastern equine encephalitis in a horse from Holmes County was reported with an illness onset date of 09/13/2022.
Vector Surveillance
As of 10/18/2022, ODH reported 14,019 pooled mosquito samples (453,507 Culex spp. total) have been tested for WNV. Of those, ODH tested 9,869 pools via PCR, Franklin County Public Health tested 1,358 pools via RAMP, and Licking County Health Department tested 118 pools via RAMP. Columbus Public Health tested 555 pools via VecTOR and 602 pools via RAMP. Toledo Area Sanitary District tested 1,517 pools via qPCR. A total of 944 samples have tested positive for WNV.
You may contact the Zoonotic Disease Program (614-752-1029, option 1) if you have any questions.