Registration is now closed for this tour. A video of this tour is available here.
Come along for a virtual tour of the Wilbur A. Gould Food Industries Center! You’ll see the cutting-edge food product research available to industry professionals and entrepreneurs. Helpful resources and information for food entrepreneurs will be shared. Dr. Valente Alvarez will provide a brief history of the Food Industries Center and explain the types of research available at the center.
The pilot plant supervisors, Matt Papic and Gary Wenneker, will walk you through two different plants to share a behind-the-scenes look at product testing, how products make it to the plant for testing, and the benefits to different clients. You'll hear more about how food is processed and what it takes to develop new food products.
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Registration is now closed for this tour. A video of this tour is available here.
This virtual tour is jam packed with stops! We’re headed to the Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory for a live tour of the demonstration gardens with Extension Educator Tim McDermott. Then we’ll head into the Teaching Kitchen at the Kunz-Brundige Franklin County Extension Building where Extension Educator Jenny Lobb will share healthy cooking activities using fresh-picked vegetables.
Next up, we talk with Associate Professor Dr. Colleen Spees about a garden-based obesity prevention program for children. We’ll end our tour with a visit to the Charles M. Nabrit Memorial Garden with Co-Manager Paula Penn-Nabrit to share the value of a community-university partnership and how Ohio State research is helping a community grow healthy foods.
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Registration is now closed for this tour. A video of this tour is available here.
We're hitting two locations for one fabulous virtual look at bee research. We start at the Rothenbuhler Honey Bee Lab on the Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory on the Columbus Campus. Entomology Chair Jamie Strange shares his research into the endangered Rusty Patched Bumble Bee. Could urbanization be the cause? You'll get a look at microscopic dissections and genetic analysis from this work. We check in with a postdoctoral scholar who is documenting bumble bee communities by measuring traits like bee size, leg shape, and body hair.
We jump to the Bee Lab on the Wooster Campus to hear from Associate Professor of Entomology Reed Johnson about the chemical effects from pesticides on honey bee survival and growth. They're exploring how timing and quantity of pesticides affect bee larvae and adults. His lab also has an exciting new project exploring the connection between honey bee pollination and soybean yield. Get bee-hind the scenes on this important research!
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