What crops are grown in Ohio?

Submitted by sherman.1521 on
Bales of hay in a field
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash


Corn field beneath an evening sky
Photo by Hugues de Buyer-Mimeure on Unsplash


An apple orchard
Photo by Liana Mikah on Unsplash



Ohio hosts a wide variety of crops. The two most common are soybeans and corn. Ohio also produces large amounts of hay and haylage (which is another type of dried grasses used to feed animals). The acres of wheat and oats have declined by large margins in the last 20 years, 54 and 76% respectively. Vegetables and orchard crops (such as apples) make up a smaller but still important part of the sector.

Question Image
Up close on a soybean field with sun shining in the background