Every spring, lawn mowing season begins. But what if you could do LESS work and still have a great looking lawn? That’s what Drs. Dom Petrella and Ed Nangle want to find out. The pair, from Ohio State ATI and the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, teamed up with the Ohio Department of Agriculture to test fertilizer recommendations for home lawns. They hope to save homeowners time and money.
Establishing a new lawn? Visit Ohioline for fact sheet HYG-4027 from Ed Nangle and co-authors.
Establishing a new lawn? Visit Ohioline for fact sheet HYG-4027 from Ed Nangle and co-authors.
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Every spring, lawn mowing season begins. But what if you could do LESS work and still have a great looking lawn? That’s what Drs. Dom Petrella and Ed Nangle want to find out. The pair, from Ohio State ATI and the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, teamed up with the Ohio Department of Agriculture to test fertilizer recommendations for home lawns. They hope to save homeowners time and money.
Establishing a new lawn? Visit Ohioline for fact sheet HYG-4027 from Ed Nangle and co-authors.