How does animal rights advocacy contribute to animal welfare?

Submitted by bausback.1 on
Four colorful chickens sitting on a wooden fence
garmashevanatali / Adobe Stock

Animal welfare is a concept that is both science-based and value-based.

The scientific assessment of animal welfare can provide objective evidence about what an animal is experiencing. However, what people perceive to be acceptable (or not) is determined by their personal views and values about what an animal needs to have a good life.

Several animal advocacy organizations have a strong public voice, although they may hold more definitive views on animal welfare issues than most public citizens. Such organizations contribute to discussions on issues surrounding animal welfare but assessing animal welfare and its possible solutions requires a collaborative, multi-stakeholder approach.

To make meaningful and positive contributions to animal welfare, viewpoints from animal caretakers, animal welfare scientists, veterinarians, industry professionals, citizens, and other stakeholder groups should be considered collectively, in addition to available scientific evidence.